We’ve been promising it for years and now we’re in the final stages of releasing our first debut album of ORIGINAL music!
Under the title GOLDFYNCH (formerly Contessa) our originals project has been 5 years in the making and we are very proud of the results. Can’t wait to share it with you, and so thrilled to say we have been awarded a Silver Medal with Honourable mention in the Global Music Awards, both for the album and the track Opus. It’s our lovely, creative baby, amidst the real babies and whirlwind of life experiences we’ve been journeying through since we met and fell in love with each other, and making music together, 13 years ago!
Featuring amazing contributions by award winning musicians such as Jonathan Zwartz, James Hauptmann, Tom Avgenicos, Bill Risby, Damian DeBoos Smith, Ben Adler and lest we forget multi-award winning composer and multi-award winning guitarist Gavin Libotte, the album was recorded at Soundplanet Studios, produced by Emmy award winner Sean Carey and mastered by 2-time Grammy winner Helik Hadar. Song titles include Ballooning Over Paris, Maya, A Brighter Day, Green Grass, Sunbeam, and Nova Bossa, with influences including acoustic pop, folk, jazz, French, Brazilian and Indian traditions
Check out some secret samples of what we have in store for you on our Soundcloud page and dedicated website GOLDFYNCH.
You can find out more about the project through media coverage links:
Eastside Radio IV (click this link)
Fashion Industry Broadcast Film
Kickstarter Campaign 2018